Saturday, September 13, 2008

Our first garage sale, country changing & soccer...

Today, we had our first garage sale! It was SO much more work than I thought it was going to be...but it was worth it. We got rid of some stuff that NEEDED to go, and some people got some things that they! :) It was a family experience, as Luke sold bottles of water because the weather was hot & muggy! He sold 8 bottles and stole one! ;) Over all, we brought in nearly $200!

We've also give up on making a commitment to a's so stressful trying to decide. We were 100% sure we'd be bringing little sister home from Russia, but then last night, as I was trying to drift off to sleep, I was having a panic attack...I don't "see" Russia as the right choice. There are pros & cons to both Russia & China, but I wish Guatemala would just open back up! It makes it such a pain. A couple of the reasons that are leaning us away from Russia are:

1. Length of time in Russia (2 trips; one 7 days, one 10-21 days) we can't pull Luke out of school for a month! China it's a 2 week trip...that's it. That's a HUGE reason. He's so interested in the adoption and bringing home his sister that I would feel HORRIBLE taking it away from him...:(

2. Cost. Russia is nearly double China...and one reason is the 2 trips that are required...

3. I'm scared of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. I know there are great doctors that can pinpoint it by looking at a photo or video of the child, but what if they miss it...It really scares me...

The MAJOR plus for Russia is that it's way faster than China...That is the only reason we'd pick Russia...I don't think that is a reason to choose it...Also, when I was younger, I always wanted to adopt an Asian little's my chance, so why am I wavering? UGH! I really think that China is where we'll be going. I've got an email into our agency that poses this question:

If we're going with China, and during the 28 month wait, Guatemala opens back up...can we switch back to Guatemala?

That's the million dollar question...if the answer is YES, we're sold. That way, I know that we'll be getting a little girl from one of those places...

On a less stressful note, Luke had a soccer game today! This is his second game, and it looks like he "gets" it now. Last week, he was more interested in the number of trains that went by than on the game...but this week, he SCORED A GOAL!!!!! :) It was VERY cute! He's also a really good sport. When anyone on his team scored, he cheered & high-fived them...very cute!

That's all for now...I need to sleep!!!

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