Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Not much happening on the adoption front...

I thought I'd do a quick update...even though no one has access to this blog yet! :) I'm almost ready to put my life out there...Right now, we're just waiting on the home study to arrive so I can mail our INS paperwork and a chunk of money! I also completely forgot that I need to have Child Abuse Registry letters come from Michigan for both Ben & me! UGH! I've got the forms filled out and they'll go in the mail said that it takes 5 days to get them back, but we'll see. The Ohio ones took A LONG TIME! So once those are sent, I'll get the dossier together and then we'll just be waiting....and waiting....and waiting....It's fine. I know going in there will be a happy ending and Luke will get to see the Great Wall of China (and so will we, but he's very excited about it already!).

In other news, Luke's doing great in school! He loves his teacher, Miss Taylor, and has a little girlfriend...:) I volunteer on Thursdays, and it's SO cute to watch the kids! He got his interim report last week and he got all check marks...on the "Needs to work on part" there were no check marks!! So he's doing pretty well! He loves their "specials" (ie gym, library/media, art, music & computers). I think his favorite is art, and last week they learned about van Gogh! It was so funny listening to him tell us about him at dinner! He's still a little sponge & soaks up everything he hears!

As for Ben & me, we're keeping busy! Ben's getting into his new territory at work which has it's challenges, but he's liking it. I've been working part-time from home (at this point it's VERY part-time) and knitting my scarves to sell! Thanks to my sister for all the sales she brings me! We're hoping to use that money to take with us to China! By the time we go, we're hoping to have a nice chunk! If you know anyone interested in a scarf, please let me know! :) I knit them for both toddlers & adults and have lots of colors!!

That's about it for now! Hopefully, next post will be a little more exciting! :)

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Good luck with the entire process. I have three friends that have adopted from other countries (two from China and one from Russia) and had a friend of a friend that used to go with families to China to help with all the paperwork -he was a translator/facilitator I guess. Regardless, I KNOW you have a long process ahead of you still, but you will find the perfect little angel to bring home. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us.