Monday, February 2, 2009

The social worker visit...

Look at me...2 updates in about a week! I promised I'd be better. :) So, Johnna, our social worker, came for a visit Saturday. She's SUPER nice, and we've got a great rapport. She, THANKFULLY, gets Ben & Luke's sense of humor. She cracks up at Luke...LOL. So, anyway...she asked us a bunch of questions about our house (per the homestudy requirements), she asked us what we do when we fight (which I'm surprised didn't come out earlier), and if we went to church. Luke was sitting there when she asked that...We KNOW we need to go, but the thought of finding a church we like is so daunting that it just hasn't happened...yet. It will. I promise, we need to do it. So, Luke pipes up with, "No, we don't go to church because we don't want the pressure, and we have a Super Bowl Party tomorrow!" WHAT?!?!?!?!!? Ben & I just looked at each other, Johnna started cracking up, Luke just was as serious as could be...She also asked Luke where our "meeting place" was in case of a fire...As he continued to play with his playdoh at the table and not answer her, Ben & I looked at each other in a panic. I KNEW we talked about this, repeatedly, after he went to Safety Town...but would he remember??? Finally, he looked up and said, "We'll all meet at the mailbox, when we're all there, we'll cross the street to Miss Kathy's house." stuck! We were both very proud of him!

Our next task is doing the "dear Birthmother" letter...which I'm having a REALLY hard time with and our portfolio which they give the birthmothers to look at while choosing a family. I feel like at this point it's so real, and it makes me nervous...the questions start coming...what if we don't get picked? what if no one likes us? what if she changes her mind? I'm working on my positive attitude. The social worker reassured us we'll do fine...:) We'll "look great on paper." So, now the tricky part...making that happen. We're also waiting on a couple of forms from Johnna and the agency to fill out and Ben's bonus...UGH. I'm hoping & praying that it will be here March 15, NOT March 31...the sooner the better...I'd love to have everything in by the time we go on vacation in March...That would make for a RELAXING one...:)

More later...

1 comment:

Adrianne said...

I'd pick you just by you copying and pasting this post!! Honesty is the best policy my friend!!

I know the right birthmother is out there! Who wouldn't want to give you their child???

Love ya!